TJCAC 多倫多翟輔民華人宣道會

    The Canadian Centre for Refugee & Immigrant Health CareVaccination Site: 4158 Sheppard Ave. East, Scarborough, ON

    Booking the Fourth Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment

    第四劑 COVID-19 疫苗預約登記

    第四剂 COVID-19 疫苗预约登记

    ⛔ Registration closed 登記已停服务

    The registration is closed

    If you have any questions, please contact the pastor. 如有疑问请与教牧联络 Phone/电话 (416) 282-2063 email/电邮 :

    ⛔registration is full 已经满额

    Registration is over 登记完结

    If you have any questions, please contact the pastor 如有疑问请与教牧联络 Phone/电话 (416) 282-2063 email/电邮 :

    The number of people registered for the physical gathering has exceeded the upper limit. Please stay at home and participate in this gathering online. 实体聚会登记人数已经超越上限,敬请留在家中以网上参与这聚会。

    Vaccine Appointment Date/Time: 2022-05-14 (Saturday Morning) Only for 60 years old and had the 3rd dose taken 5 months prior. The Canadian Centre for Refugee & Immigrant Health Care (4158 Sheppard Ave. East, Scarborough, ON)

    感謝主,The Canadian Centre for Refugee & Immigrant Health Care (4158 Sheppard Ave. East, Scarborough, ON) 提供本堂會眾及親友分別接種第一、二 及 第三劑新冠疫苗,給社區及個人帶來防疫保護。現在該中心再次給予本堂 60 歲以上人士接種「第四針輝瑞Pfizer疫苗加強劑」 請攜帶您五個月前已經完成的第 3 劑疫苗接種證明

    Your choice of time section 您只可選擇的時段:

    Please bring proof of your 3rd dose of vaccinations completed five months ago 請攜帶您五個月前已經完成的第 3 劑疫苗接種證明

    9:30am - 10:00am10:00am - 10:30am10:30am - 11:00am11:00am - 11:30am

    These fields must be filled 此栏必须填写

    *Note: One form per registrant 每人填寫一份表格

    ☑ Submit Registration 提交登记

    * 請只按一次發送,電子回郵片刻即回
    please only press once and wait for email response