Welcome to

Young Life


Sunday Worship

These are such formative years for our children and youth in their learning about who God is, who they are as His people, and the body that He is making them into and worshipping together is a critical part of that.

Continually Transformed

We need to be continually transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, growing in the Word of God.

Grow in Faith

We want to see children love Jesus, grow in the faith, and follow Him in every way.

Serve Together

We want to serve and glorify God together, as a family of Christ.

Join Us!

Kidz Connect

Kids meet with their friends, play games, and review the lesson with their Sunday School teacher.
Come join us for a fun time of growing and learning together!

Youth Fellowship

Youth meet with their friends, play games, grow in heart and head knowledge of God, and serve the community.
Come join us on Friday nights


A holistic program with the focus of developing well-rounded individuals through leadership and outdoor activities.


Trailmix VBS 2024 – Click on our Poster for more info!

Any Questions?

We would love to hear from you regarding any concerns or inquiries. You are welcome to contact Pastor Gabriel for more information.

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