Kidz worship
(Grades K-6)
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
~ Proverbs 22:6
Kidz Worship
Sunday 10:15-10:50am
These are such formative years for our children in their learning about who God is, who they are as His people, and the body that He is making them into and worshipping together is a critical part of that.
Children gather on Sundays to sing praise together and learn together in an interactive classroom environment.
Kidz Connect
Wednesdays 7-8pm
July to August – Summer Break
Children meet for a mid-week session to catch up with their friends, play games, and review the lesson with their Sunday School teacher. Giving the children another touchpoint during the week helps the develop deeper connections to the church community.
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