Welcome to the English Ministry at Jaffray

Worship with us at 9am on Sundays

This Past Sunday

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Growing in Discipleship

Community: Small Groups

God desires us to be in community with each other. 1 Cor 12:12-31 tells us we belong in the New body of Christ, meeting to walk through life together and provide for each other’s need. When everyone serves and gives through Christ together, everyone is filled.

Young Adults (Age: 18-29)

Young Adult Fellowship will gather around Bible studies, sermon series, and book studies to grow in discipleship, become a community of faith, and pray. We meet in the White House on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from 7:30 pm-9:30 pm.

Adults (Age: 30+)

This group is for those single and married 30-years-old and up. We will pursue discipleship and life together as we navigate career, relationships and marriage, purpose and personal history. Meeting frequency, day, time and location to be determined.


This group focuses on living out Christ through marriage, parenting, career and church. Meets once a month on Saturday afternoons.

Older Adults (Age: 55+)

This group focuses on holistic discipleship. Walking alongside with one another in our spiritual journey, living out and witnessing for Christ in our daily lives. We meet once a month on Saturday/Sunday afternoon.


Monthly prayer meetings on the first Sunday of every month, 11AM-12PM 
Location: Church White House or Church Balcony

Christian Ed

Join us on the last three Sundays of the month at 11AM – 12 PM at the Church White House.

March 9 – May 25, 2025


We will learn how to read a narrative book like Ruth on its own terms and within its own theological messages for our lives, but we will also examine how the book of Ruth places itself within the context of the Bible and is meant to be read through that lens. The book of Ruth examines the themes of tragedy and loss, hope, redemption, and the human struggle in all of this.


As part of the Great Commission, we are to “go and make disciples of all nations”

Young Life

Kids and Youth programs through out the week


Stuff about Kids Connect on Wednesday evenings


For those in high school, we meet weekly every Friday night for a time of fellowship and bible studies over Zoom


Offering is a way in which we are invited to worship God. It is the Christian discipline of stewardship where we honour God and He is our sole provider. We do this in faith, trusting that God will continue to lavish abundantly in us as He has, as He is doing, and as He will do.

Weekly Announcements

Jaffray English Email List

If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.

2025 TrailMix VBS

2025 TrailMix VBS Registration is Open!
Dates: July 14 to August 1
Theme: To the Ends of the Earth
Cost: Early Bird (by April 30): $125/camper
Contact: Pastor Gabe children.tjcac@gmail.com
More information: https://tjcac.org/ylm-e/trailmix/

Refugee Sponsorship

The English Ministry Committee deacons and the Elders of Jaffray have discerned a calling to sponsor refugees. This will be a long process and a deep financial commitment. We invite you to discern and see what God is showing the English deacons and the elders, and we hope you would participate in what God is doing.

Young Life Ministry

The Young Life Ministry (YLM) is looking for volunteers who love and walk with Jesus in his Word and have a heart to see children and youth coming to know Jesus. YLM will provide the training if you would accept the call to serve and disciple those little ones Jesus calls to himself. Please speak with Pastor Gabe, or Deaconess Eliza or Mindy if you want to be part of what God will do through YLM.

Monthly Lunch Fellowship

Our monthly lunch fellowship will be on Sunday Feb 23 at 12:30pm in the fellowship hall. Pizza will be provided for everyone. It will be a time to have a town hall and learn more about our journey in discerning a call to refugee sponsorship and know more of the details. As well as, give you an opportunity to ask questions.

Sunday School

Sunday School classes will begin on March 9 at 11am in the white house with a new study on the book of Ruth and learning how to read Hebrew narrative. The syllabus for our new study has been posted on the website.

Family Life Canada – Weekend Getaway Marriage Conference

When: Friday-Sunday, February 28-March 2, 2025
Where: Queen’s Landing Hotel (155 Byron St, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0)
Cost: $299/couple (church subsidy available)
Website: https://events.familylifecanada.com/event/wg-niagara-on-the-lake
Contact: please let Deaconess Holly know if you are interested in attending

2024 Offering

Offering amounts made in 2024 have been posted by account number on the east entrance bulletin board. Please inform Andy or Margaret Pak in person or email cashier@tjcac.org for any known discrepancies by Feb 2. Donation receipts for these amounts will be issued electronically by Feb 23 for those with emails on file. Otherwise, donation receipts will be printed and available for distribution on Feb 23.

Additionally, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has issued an extension for 2024 charitable giving until Feb 28, 2025. For any brothers and sisters who would like to claim January -February 2025 donations with 2024 tax filings, please also speak with Andy or Margaret or email cashier@tjcac.org to arrange for a separate donation receipt.

TJCAC Google Maps

Come find us!

Re-opened for in person services


Toronto Jaffray Chinese Alliance Church
9950 Sheppard Ave. East
Toronto, Ontario
M1B 5I6

Telephone: 416-282-2063