Date: April 18, 2021
Scripture Reader: Joshua Lau
Speaker: Pastor Gabriel Ng
Passage: 1 John 1:5-2:2
“Our union with Christ is the objective or factual truth that we are His and we are members of His Body.”
“So take a look at yourself. Who do you resemble when the mask comes off? Who do you see in the mirror? Do you resemble the Heavenly Father who is holy, pure and good? Or do you resemble the father of darkness who is self-serving, prideful, lustful, living in habitual sin?”
“Fellowship is intentionally focused on Christ. It is the participation in the body of believers. It is a participation where the body cannot function apart from each other. The body functions together focused on Christ.”
“When we walk in darkness, we break fellowship with not only Christ, but other believers.”
“Our personal sin, the sins we do in secret, have an impact on the entire Church body. We can’t be in true fellowship with one another when we continue to live in habitual sin.”
“When we confess our sins, He will forgive and cleanse us. It’s that simple. Confess and He will forgive us of all unrighteousness.”
“There is life in abundance and it’s counter-cultural. Break the bonds of sin. Confess, repent, and walk in the Light as He is in the Light. Christ has set us free, let us live in this freedom together Church,”