1. Jaffray English Email List
Are you receiving emails from the church? If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements, please send your email address to kennethkim@tjcac.org.
2. 2021 Testimonies
7 Lives
One Story
For God’s Name & Glory
Dates: Sunday April 25, May 16 & 30 at 11am on Zoom
3. Fellowship With Pastor Ken
During this emergency stay at home order, I am opening a time Every Friday at 8pm in the month of April so we can have fellowship. It will be a time to share how God is stirring in our lives, a time to ask questions about Christianity or the Bible or any hot button topic, to share what’s on our hearts these days. If you are interested in meeting with me and others, please email me at kennethkim@tjcac.org.
4. Trail Mix VBS
Theme: Great Big Beautiful World
Dates: July 19-30, August 9-20
Information and registration is available at tjcac.org/trailmix-2021
Contact Pastor Gabriel (Gabriel.ng@tjcac.org) if there are any questions.