1. Deacon Installation Service
      We will install our new deacons next Sunday right after announcements live in our Sunday Zoom gathering. Please pray for their ministries.
    English Ministry Committee Chair Pastor Kenneth Kim
    Vice-Chair Caleb Chau
    Deacon Jonathan Mui (Secretary / Worship) 

    Vivian Ng (Finance)

    Holly Chau (Young Adults)

    Elaine Ho (Prayer & Care)

    Micheal Lau (FM / AV)

    David Wong (Mission) 

    Jaydon Lau (Christian Education)                          

    Committee member Pastor Gabriel

    Mindy Kim

    Jason Si (Intern)

    Cantonese Ministry Committee Chair/Christian Education/ Fellowship Rev. Samuel Or
    Vice-Chair Stanley Pak
    Deacon Albert Leung (Finance) 

    Belinda Cheng (Caring) 

    Cynthia So (Mission) 

    Danny Soo (Worship) 

    Wilman Lau (Family Ministry)

    Peter So (Evangelism)

    Mandarin Ministry Committee Chair/Christian Education/ Mission Pastor James Huang
    Vice-Chair Josephine Lam
    Deacon Bonnie Mo (Finance)

    Vida Lee (Outreach)

    Committee member


    Pastor Winnie Chen (Caring Ministry)

    Wilson Li (Family Ministry)

    Vincent Wu (Young Adults ministry)

    Yvonne Yuen (Young Adults Assistance)

    Peiwen Chen (Secretary / Outreach Ministry Assistance)

    Wendy Zhu (Worship Coordinator / Finance Assistance)

    Young Life Ministry Committee Chair Pastor Gabriel Ng
    Vice-Chair/ Christian Education Mindy Kim
    Deacon Nathan Cheng (Secretary / Youth Ministry)

    Timothy Cheng (Finance / Children)

    Kassandra Leung (Family Ministry) 

    Committee member


    Kim Pak (Administration) 

    Ivy Soo (Communication)

    Olivia (Nursery)

    Deacons from Cross Congregation Ministry Finance  Andy Pak

    Cecilia Wong

    Mission Cynthia So
    Joint Event  Patrick Ng
    Kitchen Andy Pak 

    Margaret Pak

    2. Church Reopening
    The Elder Board is planning for the re-opening of the church for in-person indoor services starting September 5, 2021, subject to the pending detailed Plan 3 regulations to be announced by the Ontario Government. On-line worship will still be available after the re-opening, details to be announced.

    3. Jaffray English Email List
    Are you receiving emails from the church? If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements, please send your email address to kennethkim@tjcac.org.

    4. Trail Mix VBS

    • Theme: Great Big Beautiful World
    • Dates:  July 19-30, August 9-20
    • Information and registration is available at tjcac.org/trailmix-2021
    • Contact Pastor Gabriel (Gabriel.ng@tjcac.org) if there are any questions. The deadline for  registration is June 30.

    5. Prayer For Trail Mix
    Please pray for our Trail mix camp leaders and volunteers as they prepare for the upcoming Trail mix camp happening in July 19-30 and August 9-20.

    • Pray for the trail mix camp leaders to grow in their relationship with the Lord and may they experience God in a deeper way. 
    • Pray for the team to work in unity with one another and to show God’s love to one another. 
    • Pray for wisdom and joy as they work on the lessons in the weeks to come.

    6. Small Groups
    With the exception of Young Adults, all small groups will be on break for July and August but are encouraged to meet in-person with safety and appropriate precautions as we enter step 2 of Ontario’s reopening.

    7. CCACA 2021 Joint Missions Convention
    The theme is “A1:8 Our DNA” focusing on the C&MA DNA of “Deeper Life” and “Global Missions”, particularly in the making of “Christ-Centred, Spirit-Empowered and Mission-Focused” disciples everywhere. Instead of a JMC weekend, it will be a JMC month which consist of 2 days of online events and 4 Mission Sundays with pre-recorded mission messages for both adults and children for the entire July 2021. For more information and to register, visit https://english.ccaca.org/jmc/2021-jmc/#2021-jmc-registration.

    8. Staff News
    Pastor Kenneth Kim will be on vacation from June 28 – July 19. For any pastoral matters during this time please contact Pastor Gabriel.