1. Communion & Benediction
Please prepare your elements of bread and juice so we could have communion together after announcements. The benediction will be given after the communion as well.
2. Worship Livestream Starting on Sunday Aug. 8
We will be transitioning our worship to livestream on Zoom starting Sunday August 8. The worship time (9am) and the Zoom link will remain the same. The worship video will now be posted Sunday evening or Monday.
3. Rouge Valley Hike Fellowship Sunday Aug. 8
We will have a hike together in the Rouge Valley on Sunday August 8 for a time of fellowship together. We will meet at church at 11:30am and pre-registration is required and can be done at this address https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VmAksSW-bRrRhEzn5_8qy_QOXynYXFYjQTlFp6_snNc/edit
4. Mission Pledge Form
Praise the Lord for the Missions month and for the four challenging messages by Dr. Jamie Taylor. We pray that the Lord has spoken to your heart and that you will prayerfully respond to His call. Please follow this link to submit your response and share with us what you have personally received from the Lord: https://forms.gle/yXJTaEKHZoDduCJk8.
Alternatively, you can also fill in the attached pledge form and email it back to Elder Vincent Ho @ vhojaffraychurch@gmail.com.
The Missions Fund directly supports the living and ministry expenses of International Workers, including those working in Creative Access Nations such as Paul & Christina and Daniel & Gretel, others who are reaching the Chinese Diaspora such as Victor & Betty Chin, Tim & Jacqueline Seto and Ivy & Glen Milanowski. Others whom we also support include long-term TJCAC members such as Melissa Leung, Rev. Jimmy Zhen and Kim Pak. We also support New Ventures and Outreach with the Eastern Canadian District, the UTSC Mandarin Christian Fellowship and the Toronto Alliance Church. We currently have a shortfall of $11,350 for our $74,000 budget-to-date as of June 30, 2021. We pray that you will continue to give out of a cheerful heart, directed specifically for the Mission Fund and that you will continue to be a part of what God is doing to “go and make disciples of all nations” by giving to those who go.
5. Church Reopening and In-person Worship
TJCAC encourages all members to attend in-person Sunday Worship Service starting on September 5, 2021 while following all provincial regulations. Simultaneous Live Streaming of Worship will be available on virtual platforms for those who choose not to attend in-person. Competing church events on Sundays, like Sunday School, will give priority to Worship and remain virtual at the beginning while we establish safe processes for in-person community.
6. Joint Prayer Meeting
Joint prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday at 8pm via online Zoom meeting. We will pray for Church re-opening.
7. Pastor James Huang’s Ordination
Pastor James’ ordination will be held on August 15 (Sunday) at 3 pm. Please join either in-person at church or on Zoom. Details will follow.
8. Total Offering Record and Financial Statement
The total offering record and financial statement for January to June, 2021 has been sent out via email. Kindly check your offering amount if it is correct. Please contact Deacon Andy Pak (cashier@tjcac.org) or Sam Wong should you have any questions.
9. Please pray for Trail Mix:
- Lord Jesus, You said to welcome the children. May You bless the children who will be coming to the Trail Mix camp from July 19 to 30 and from Aug 9 to 20. May You open their hearts to see Your wonderful love and lead them to welcome You into their hearts.
- May You be with all the leaders and volunteers of the camp. May You give them wisdom, love and joy as they serve You. May their words be filled with encouragements. May the children enjoy their company. Let them be blessed by one another.
- Pray that the technology will work smoothly and pray against any power outages at the church during the Trail Mix camp. May You protect the children and all the volunteers and the leaders. May Your light shine upon the Trail Mix camp.
General | Mission | Building | Thanksgiving | Benevolent | Others | Total | |
Cantonese | 6,112.00 | 3,332.00 | 980.00 | 940.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | $11,364.00 |
Mandarin | 1,775.00 | 325.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | $2,200.00 |
English | 5,500.00 | 320.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | $5,820.00 |
YTD Offering | $230,527 | $74,230 | $30,137 | $21,925 | $1,361 | $100 | $358,280 |
YTD Budget | $332,926 | $85,385 | $114,349 | — | — | — | $532,659 |