1. Consultation Meeting For Reopening
The English congregation is planning to have our first in-person worship service on Sept 19. In preparation for this, we will have a consultation meeting Today at 1pm. The Zoom meeting link has been sent out to those on our email list. Here is the agenda for the meeting:
1. Opening – Pastor Ken
2. Basis for Reopening – Elder Alfred
3. Video on Entering the Building – Elder Vince
4. Highlights of Policy – Elder Vince
5. Q & A – Elders Alfred & Vince, Pastor Ken
2. Jaffray Reopening
TJCAC is planning to open for in person activity for all ministry related events and meetings by following the COVID19 Safety Plan starting Sep 5, 2021, in compliance with all government regulations. Please complete room bookings with Carmen, Church Admin Assistant (office@tjcac.org), and appoint a ministry secretary for every event to keep records of attendance for future contact tracing. Of note, outdoor Jaffray events do not require pre-registration, but only onsite COVID19 active screening.
3. 33rd Church Anniversary Service
The 33rd Church Anniversary Joint Service & Baptism and transfer membership will be held on Sept 12 at 11am. Congratulations to the following baptismal candidates who will be baptized at this Church Anniversary joint worship service: (MC) Charley Lin, Xu Zheng
We also like to welcome (MC) Yushu Ding as he transfers his membership to Jaffray on the same day.
**In-person event online “pre-screening” registration is needed. The website link will be attached to the email. Please register from Monday to Saturday before 12:00 noon (within 5 and a half days). If you register successfully, you will receive an “entry number”. Please let the ushers know on the day of worship.
**Simultaneous Live Streaming of Worship will be available on virtual platforms for those who choose not to attend in-person.
4. Jaffray English Email List
Are you receiving emails from the church? If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements, please send your email address to kennethkim@tjcac.org.
5. Pastoral Search Prayer Meeting
We will be praying for the senior pastor search this Wednesday at 9:30pm-10:00pm via online Zoom meeting.
6. Staff News
Pastor Samuel Or will be on vacation from Aug 23 to Sep 7.