1. In-person Worship Registration
For those who want to attend our Sunday worship in-person, you can do so by filling out the registration form at this link https://forms.gle/GPQ66McV5Tkz56fA7. The form opens every Tuesday and closes every week on Saturday at 12 noon.
2. Sunday School
Class: Introduction to Hermeneutics
Dates: Every Sunday, Oct 3 – Nov 28, 2021
Time: 11am-12pm
Place: Zoom (link provided for those on the email list)
3. Jaffray English Email List
Are you receiving emails from the church? If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join the email list.
4. Prayer Meeting
Prayer meeting continues this Wednesday at 8pm on Zoom. Please join the email list for the Zoom link.
5. Toronto Public Health has given the following COVID 19 Guidance to TJCAC as a Place of Worship, updated Oct 1, 2021 regarding indoor congregational singing: “Indoor group singing, dancing and use of wind instruments has been linked to numerous outbreaks in multiple countries. Limit the number of performers or vocalists. Avoid group or congregational singing.” The EB noted that this is a Guidance and not a Law. Therefore, while TJCAC will encourage full compliance with Toronto Public Health Guidance, we will not be enforcing the “avoid congregational singing” guidance, provided that masks are worn indoors.
6. The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) will be held at the church at 12:30 pm on Sunday, November 28. Members who cannot participate in person can also attend online. The AGM agenda will include 2022-23 elders election, 2022 budget approval, and amendment of by-laws. All Active Members are requested to attend. The elder candidates nominated by the nomination committee are: Vincent Ho, Herman Mo, and Cynthia So.
The AGM Agenda, Active Membership List, the 2022 budget proposal and the draft By-laws Amendment (subject to approval at the annual meeting), are attached herewith. Any suggested additional agenda items or additional elder nominations in accordance with the by-laws must be submitted in writing to Elder Alfred Mo, Vice Chair of the Board, or Elder Vincent Ho, Secretary, on or before 9:00 am on November 21.
- Members participating in the AGM online must first register using the link: https://forms.gle/9oD78K2KX4UWX4iJ6. The Zoom password will be emailed to you.
- For Active Members who choose to attend the AGM online, please print and complete the “Elder Election Ballot”, and mail it back to the church as soon as possible; the ballots must be received on or before November 23 to be valid. If you are an Active Member and have not received the “Elder Election Ballot”, please contact the church office.
- Members attending the AGM in person will receive a certified ballot at the AGM.
The Pre-AGM Consultation Meeting will be held online at 12:30 pm on November 21, and members are encouraged to attend.
- Members participating at the Pre-AGM Consultation Meeting do not need to register in advance. Please join the Zoom meeting after the worship service: Zoom ID: 988 1985 8010; PW: 685873
7. Passing of Mrs. Yuet Ping Young
We are saddened by the recent passing of Mrs. Yuet Ping Young, mother of Candy Ng, grandmother of Timothy and Vivian Ng. Visitation and funeral service will be held on Friday, November 12, 2021 in person or online via livestream.
Visitation: 10:00am at Chapel Ridge Funeral Home – 8911 Woodbine Ave, Markham (Woodbine/Hwy 7)
Service: 11:00am at Chapel Ridge Funeral Home – 8911 Woodbine Ave, Markham (Woodbine/Hwy 7)
Burial: 12:30pm at Elgin Mills Cemetery – 1591 Elgin Mills Rd E, Richmond Hill (Leslie/Elgin Mills)
All who are attending in person must be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 with two doses. For contact tracing purposes, please register with name and contact information for each person at https://forms.gle/cktKN8Xnpk3pZi3H7 by Wednesday (end of the day).
The livestream link will be announced one day prior to the day of the service.
8. Staff News
Pastor Ken will be on vacation Nov. 8-15. Please contact EMC Vice-Chair Caleb Chau for any English Ministry items or Pastor Gabriel for any pastoral questions or concerns.
Pastor James Huang will be on vacation Nov. 9-13.
General | Mission | Building | Thanksgiving | Benevolent | Others | Total | |
Cantonese | 6,023.00 | 2,263.00 | 650.00 | 850.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | $9,786.00 |
Mandarin | 1,552.03 | 210.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 0.00 | $1,792.03 |
English | 1,867.18 | 4,103.00 | 1,496.00 | 250.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | $7,716.18 |
YTD Offering | $325,752 | $116,510 | $46,654 | $35,390 | $2,031 | $164 | $526,502 |
YTD Budget | $488,291 | $125,231 | $167,712 | — | — | — | $781,234 |