- Communion
The first Sunday of each month is communion. For those who attend worship in-person next Sunday, please take the 2 in 1 communion elements on the way into the sanctuary. For those who are worshipping online, please prepare your elements of bread and juice for worship.
- In-person Worship Registration
For those who want to attend our Sunday worship in-person, you can do so by filling out the registration form at this link https://forms.gle/GPQ66McV5Tkz56fA7. The form opens every Tuesday and closes every week on Saturday at 12 noon.
- Sunday School
Class: Introduction to Hermeneutics
Dates: Every Sunday, Oct 3 – Nov 28, 2021
Time: 11am-12pm
Place: Zoom (link provided for those on the email list)
- Jaffray English Email List
Are you receiving emails from the church? If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join the email list.
- Joint Prayer Meeting
Our monthly joint prayer meeting is this Wednesday at 8pm on Zoom. Please join the email list for the Zoom link.
- The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)
AGM will be held at the church at 12:30 pm on Sunday, November 28. Members who cannot participate in person can also attend online. The AGM agenda will include 2022-23 elders election, 2022 budget approval, and amendment of by-laws. All Active Members are requested to attend. The elder candidates nominated by the nomination committee are: Vincent Ho, Herman Mo, and Cynthia So.
- Jaffray Reopening
TJCAC is planning to open for in person activity for all ministry related events and meetings by following the COVID19 Safety Plan starting Sep 5, 2021, in compliance with all government regulations. Please complete room bookings with Carmen, Church Admin Assistant (office@tjcac.org), and appoint a ministry secretary for every event to keep records of attendance for future contact tracing. Of note, outdoor Jaffray events do not require pre-registration, but only onsite COVID19 active screening.
- Christmas Eve Indoor Capacity
Aligning with new Public Heath regulations, the Elder Board has resolved that all Ministries hosting Christmas Eve events on Dec 24, 2021 will lift indoor capacity and physical distancing requirements if Public Health defined Proof of Vaccination is enforced for attendance. Children under age 12 are exempt from Proof of Vaccination requirements. Face coverings with masks are still required for everyone. Pre-registration is still encouraged for Jaffray members to speed up admission, while visitors can register at the door. Regular TJCAC in person indoor events will continue to maintain capacity limits and not require Proof of Vaccination