1. In-person Worship Registration
For those who want to attend our Sunday worship in-person, you can do so by filling out the registration form at this link https://forms.gle/GPQ66McV5Tkz56fA7. The form opens every Tuesday and closes every week on Saturday at 12 noon.

2. Jaffray English Email List
Are you receiving emails from the church? If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join the email list.

3. Christmas Eve Worship & Fellowship
Date & Time: Friday, December 24 at 1-3pm
Location: Main Sanctuary & Balcony/Outdoors
Registration: https://forms.gle/dA7JqfaZnP5J5PxV7
Donations: baked goods, financial gift for gift cards and books (please send e-transfer to dorinda.mui@gmail.com and send dollar amount to dorinda.mui@gmail.com and davidtaiwong@gmail.com)

4. Joint Christmas Service
Jaffray’s joint Christmas service will be held on Sunday, Dec 19, 11am at church. All are welcome.

5. Annual General Meeting
Praise the Lord! The Annual General Meeting was successfully held last Sunday, simultaneously on-line and in-person, with 119 church members participating in the election. Approved items included:

  • Elected the 2022-2023 new elders: Vincent Ho – 115 votes, Herman Mo – 113 votes, Cynthia So – 113 votes
  • Unanimous approval of the 2022 budget
  • Unanimous approval of the By-Laws Amendments

The newly elected elders will join Elder Cassandra Cheng in forming the Board of Elders for 2022. Please remember their ministries in your prayers.

6. Prayer Meeting
Prayer meeting continues this Wednesday at 8pm on Zoom. Please join the email list for the Zoom link.

7. Jaffray Reopening
TJCAC is planning to open for in person activity for all ministry related events and meetings by following the COVID19 Safety Plan starting Sep 5, 2021, in compliance with all government regulations.  Please complete room bookings with Carmen, Church Admin Assistant (office@tjcac.org), and appoint a ministry secretary for every event to keep records of attendance for future contact tracing.  Of note, outdoor Jaffray events do not require pre-registration, but only onsite COVID19 active screening. 


General Mission Building Thanksgiving Benevolent Others Total
Cantonese 4,278.00 751.00 420.00 635.00 0.00 0.00 $6,084.00
Mandarin  1,445.00 170.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $1,615.00
English 1,596.33 651.00 651.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $2,898.33
YTD Offering $361,313 $124,668 $50,990 $38,025 $2,291 $164 $577,451
YTD Budget $532,681 $136,615 $182,958 $852,255