1. New Policies for Indoor Services
While following all of Ontario’s updated COVID 19 public health measures and advice detailed in our safety plan, starting Apr 1, 2022, the following changes for indoor services are in effect at TJCAC:

  • capacity limits and physical distance mandates have been lifted
  • pre-registration for attendance is no longer required
  • other protective measures, such as mask/face covering requirements, hand sanitizing, and passive screening remain in place

TJCAC encourages all attendees to meet in person for the Lord calls us together, and we will reassess our indoor policies and procedures monthly to support in person services.

2. TrailMix VBS
Theme: Hidden Treasures
Dates: July 11-29
For more information and to register : https://tjcac.org/ylm-e/trailmix-2022/

If you have questions please contact Pastor Gabriel, children.tjcac@gmail.com

3. Sunday School
Next Class: The Book of Acts
Date: On Sunday March 13 – May 29
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: Hybrid in-person and Zoom

4. Teens Conference Sharing
We will pause our study on the book of Acts again next Sunday, May 22 for Lianne So to share about Teens Conference and the blessings and challenges.  Please join us at the regular Sunday School time of 11am in-person at the white house or online.

5. Prayer Meeting
Our English prayer meeting continues this Wednesday at 8pm. Zoom link will be sent out to those on the email list.

6. Hand Sanitizer
Those who come to worship service in person are welcomed to pick up a bottle of hand sanitizer at the west entrance on their way in or out. Also one per household.


General Mission Building Thanksgiving Benevolent Others Total
Cantonese 5,105.00 785.00 100.00 580.00 0.00 0.00 $6,570.00
Mandarin  2,219.00 450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $2,669.00
English 4,076.93 1,038.00 1,068.00 14.00 0.00 0.00 $6,196.93
YTD Offering $211,897 $38,082 $19,783 $12,755 $1,695 $115 $284,327
YTD Budget $201,269 $48,385 $64,458 $314,111