1. Rouge Valley Church Welcome BBQ
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2022
Time: 5pm
Location: Rouge Valley Church (70 Old Kingston Road, Scarborough ON)
Purpose: So strangers can become friends in Jesus Christ
2. Women’s Hangouts
There is a women’s hangout happening in the month of August. This is not a programmed church event but time to build our friendships in a casual setting. If you are interested in joining, please talk to Holly for the women.
3. Church Anniversary Joint Service
The church will have a joint service to celebrate our 34th Anniversary on September 11 at 11a.m. You are welcome to join the in-person service or continue to use Youtube to partake in the worship. We welcome our dear sister Melody Hon who will be baptised during the joint service and become our church member. The church has arranged a lunch celebration to commemorate our 34th anniversary. The costs of the lunch are $4 for children and $8 for adults. For those who wish to join the lunch celebration, please register on-line through the link posted on the home page of our church website. Registration will end on September 4. For those who are unable to register online, please register at the registration table set up outside the Worship Hall on September 4 from 10:15am till 11:00am.
4. English Prayer Meetings
We will take a break from English prayer meetings in the month of August so the leaders can rest and recalibrate. Please continue to pray for our church and depend on God to minister to us in your personal time. Our next prayer meeting will be the joint prayer meeting on Wednesday, Sept 7 at 8pm.
5. Mosaic Small Groups
If you are not currently part of one of our small groups, please speak to Pastor Ken if you would like to join one of the following groups:
Mosaic Young Adults (age 18-30)
Mosaic Men (age 31-50)
Mosaic Women (age 31-50)
Mosaic Families (married with children)
Mosaic Older Adults (50+)
Location: Promiseland Room
7. Staff News
Administrative Assistant Eliza Ng’s office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm and Sunday 10-12:30pm, with Monday and Tuesday working remotely. She may be reached at Telephone: 416-282-2063 Ext. 100 Email: Office@tjcac.org