1. Closing of Sunday Zoom Meetings
After prayerful consideration the EMC has decided English Sunday worship will be transitioning back to in-person only starting October 2. While zoom worship has helped us bridge the period of lockdowns in the last two years, it has also been a significant resource challenge for us with the limited volunteers and expertise we have. We thank all those volunteers who have served faithfully. As we shift our focus back to in-person worship together, if you have been joining us online, we welcome you back and are excited to meet with you.
COVID protocols on church premises including masking remain in effect. The use of zoom for Sunday worship will be re-assessed as the COVID situation evolves. Worship services will continue to be posted to YouTube online after the fact.
2. Fellowship at Shawn & Leah’s House
Date: Sunday, Sept 18
Time: 1pm
Purpose: To rest, enjoy time together, and grow closer in Christ
3. Mosaic Small Groups
Small groups begin meeting again in September. Please speak to your small group leader for more details if they haven’t contacted you already.
4. Sunday School
Topic: The Book of Acts
Dates: Sept 18-Nov 27
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: the white house
For more information please see our website at tjcac.org/emc under Christian Education
5. Thanksgiving Lunch & Campfire
Date: Saturday, October 8, 2022
Time: 12:30-2:30pm
Location: Church Fellowship Hall & Balcony
Registration: https://forms.gle/mqMMaE8NTAviHq6N7
For more information contact Deacon David Wong davidtaiwong8@gmail.com
6. Prayer Meeting
English prayer meeting continues this Wednesday at 8pm on Zoom. Zoom link provided to those on the email list.
7. Hosanna Youth Fellowship
Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Location: Promiseland Room
Program: Bible Study
Contact: Pastor Gabriel Ng (gabriel.ng@tjcac.org)
8. Staff News
Administrative Assistant Eliza Ng’s office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm and Sunday 10-12:30pm, with Monday and Tuesday working remotely. She may be reached at Telephone: 416-282-2063 Ext. 100 Email: Office@tjcac.org
Pastor Ken on vacation Sept 19-Oct 3.