1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and other important announcements from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.
2. Sunday School
Topic: The Book of Acts
Dates: Sept 18-Nov 27
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: the white house
For more information please see our website at tjcac.org/emc under Christian Education
3. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Annual General Meeting #2 will be held on Sun., Dec 4, 2022 at 12:30-1:30pm in the Sanctuary. This will be in person only.
A Pre-AGM Consultation will be held in person only on Sun Nov 27, 2022 at 12:30pm in Room B7 to address any issues or questions regarding the AGM.
4. Choir for the Joint Christmas Service
If you have been serving in a CHOIR or WORSHIP TEAM, NOW or IN THE PAST, the TJCAC choir would like to invite you to ALL come along and join us in singing a Christmas anthem ‘Carols of Worship and Praise’, that we will be presenting in-person at the Dec. 25 joint Sunday Worship service, leading all the congregations to sing along. This is a medley that comprises familiar tunes like ‘O Come, All Ye Faithful’, ‘Joy To The World’, ‘Hark! the Herald Angels SIng’, and others.
Rehearsal materials and voice-part tracks will be provided in advance, and you can learn your parts at your own pace. There will be one in-person rehearsal (mandatory) at church on Sunday Nov. 27 right after the Cantonese worship service (12:30-1:30pm).
If you want to be part of this inter-congregation joint choir/worship team, please fill in the Google Form using the QR code (where you will also find links to a sample score and audio for preview), and return NO LATER than Sunday Nov 13.
5. Prayer Meeting
English prayer meeting continues this Wednesday at 8pm on Zoom. Zoom link provided to those on the email list.
6. Hosanna Youth Fellowship
Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Location: Promiseland Room
Program: Hosanna Independent Film Festival (HIFF)
Contact Person: Pastor Gabriel Ng (gabriel.ng@tjcac.org)