1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, prayer meetings and
other important announcements from our church, please send a request to
kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.

2. English Prayer Meeting
Sunday at 11am in the white house:
– March 5

3. Testimony & Sharing
Sunday at 11am in the white house.
Feb 26 – David Wong & Missions

4. Baptism & Membership Transfer
If you believe you are a Christian and should be baptized or you would like to transfer
your previous church membership to TJCAC, please speak to Pastor Ken or email him at
kennethkim@tjcac.org. Baptism & membership classes will take place on Sunday March
12 & 19 at 1pm in the white house.

5. Sunday School
Our 3rd semester on Acts and reading New Testament narrative will continue on Sunday
March 12 at 11am in the white house. Sunday School classes will be the last 3 Sunday’s
of the month ending in June.

6. 2022 Offering Receipts
2022 offering receipts have either been sent via email/mail or distributed in person. If
you have any questions, please contact Cashiers Andy Pak or Margaret Pak by email
cashier@tjcac.org or in person.

7. VBS Camp Coordinator
The VBS Camp Coordinator Job Posting is now available. The posting can be found in the
YLM section of the church website.
Work Term: May 15 – August 12, 2023
Please speak with Pastor Gabriel if you have any questions. We'll be interviewing
suitable candidates as soon as possible.

8. Pastor Gabriel & Jil’s Wedding
Pastor Gabriel & Jil are getting married on March 11, 2023! All Jaffray Church congregations are invited to the ceremony at Yum Kwang Korean Presbyterian Church
(2850 John St., Markham, ON L3R 2W4) at 12:30pm.

9. Jason Si & Katherine Ma Wedding
Jason and Katherine are getting married on Saturday, July 15, 2023 at Toronto Jaffray
Chinese Alliance Church. The ceremony is open to all friends and family, while the
reception is invitation-only.

10. TJCAC 35th Anniversary Dinner
Save the date: Jaffray’s 35th anniversary dinner; Sunday Sep. 10, 2023 5:30 pm at the
Golden Palace Banquet Hall, First Markham Place, Markham.

11. Passion Conference 2024
Dates: January 3-5, 2024
Location: Mercedes-Benz Stadium (Atlanta, GA)
Age Group: 18-25 year-olds (leaders and older adults also welcome)
Registration: $119 USD (until price increase deadline)
Not included: hotel or Airbnb, flight, car rental, gas, food, etc.
Website: https://passionconferences.com/
Contact: Pastor Ken kennethkim@tjcac.org

12. Hosanna Youth Fellowship
Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Location: Promiseland Room
Program: Bible Study
Contact Person: Pastor Gabriel Ng (gabriel.ng@tjcac.org)

13. Zoom Meeting Bookings
Effective today, please contact Sister Eliza Ng, Administrative Assistant (email:
office@tjcac.org ; phone: (416) 282-2063 ext. 100) for reservations on the Zoom
meeting platform. Thank you to Brother Alfred Mo for coordinating Zoom since 2020.