1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, announcements and devotions from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.

2. Prayer Meeting
Prayer meeting continues today at 11am in the white house. Please join us to pray for ourselves and our congregation.

3. Baptism & Membership Classes
Our next baptism and membership classes will be on Sunday November 12 and November 26. Please let Pastor Ken know if you are interested in being baptized or transferring your membership.

4. Announcement From Elder Board
For All TJCAC Events: With recent increase in respiratory infections in the community, please stay at home if you are sick.  If you are healthy and don’t want to get sick, please follow all public health recommendations including  indoor masking.

5. Missions Night
Date: Saturday, November 11
Time: 7pm
Speaker: Amanda Corbin (CMA Eastern Canada District Missions Mobilizer)
Sharing: Pastor Ivy Milanowski, Dr. David Wong, Pastor Kenneth Cheng
Theme: Enlarge Your Tent

6. Missionary Sharing
On Sunday, November 19 at 11am in the white house, OMF missionary Andrew Goodman will be sharing about his ministry with us. Please join us to hear what God is doing in our world.

7. 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Annual General Meeting #2 will be held on Sun, November 26, 2023 at 12:30-1:30pm in the Sanctuary. This will be in person only.
A Pre-AGM Consultation will be held in person only on Sun., November 19, 2023 at 12:30pm in Room B7 to address any issues or questions regarding the AGM.
The following supporting documents have already been sent to you by email:

  1. November 26, 2023 AGM Agenda;
  2. Voting Procedures for 2024 Elder Election;
  3. March 26, 2023 AGM Minutes; and
  4. 2024 Proposed Budget.

The Nomination Committee has nominated Vincent Ho, Herman Mo, and Cynthia So for 2024 Elder Board election.
The Active Membership List and documents listed above have been posted on the bulletin board at the East entrance.
Any additional agenda item suggestion or elder nomination must be submitted in writing to Elder Vincent Ho, Acting Chair, or Elder Cynthia So, Secretary, no later than 9:00am on November 19, 2023.

8. Hosanna Youth Fellowship
Friday, December 1, 7:30-9:30pm – Food Drive Flyer Dropoff & Lounge Hangout
Please contact Pastor Gabriel Ng (gabriel.ng@tjcac.org) if you have any questions.