English Announcements
2024 WK35 Announcements
1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, announcements and devotions from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.
2. Prayer Meeting
Prayer meeting continues today at 11am in the white house. Please join us as we seek God together and pray for our church.
3. Joint Prayer Meeting
Joint prayer meeting continues will be on Wednesday, Sept 11 at 8pm instead of the first week of September. Please join us to pray for the church and other congregations.
4. Monthly Lunch Fellowship
Please join us for our monthly lunch fellowship today at 12:30pm in the white house. Come and rest together, catch up with each other, and get to know one another more deeply.
5. 36th Church Anniversary Joint Service
Please note that our 36th Church Anniversary Celebration Joint Service next Sunday Sept 8 will be at 11 am.
6. 36th Church Anniversary Lunch Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers who have a heart to serve and help out with kitchen clean up after our church anniversary BBQ lunch on Sunday, Sept 8. If you would be willing to serve, please speak to Sharon and let her know. And thank you for always showing up and serving together with such a great attitude.
7. Small Group Registration
We have made some adjustments to our small groups. If you are interested in being part of a small group starting in September, please register with this Google form https://forms.gle/Me6NBZXgt9Bgy98P7. We will close small group registration on Sunday, Sept 8.
8. Sunday School
Our new study on how to read Hebrew wisdom and poetry through the book of Proverbs will begin on Sunday, Sept 15 at 11am. Join us as we grow a hunger for God’s Word and be more equipped to read the different genres in the Bible.
9. Staff News
Pastor Gabriel Ng will be on vacation Aug 20-Sept 10. Please contact Mindy if you have any questions about YLM.
2024 WK34 Announcements
1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, announcements and devotions from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.
2. Thank you
Thank you to Pinceau Wong and Jimmy Chao for sharing about God’s mission with our house.
3. Send Off Lunch
There is a send off lunch for Naomi and Ian who were recently married and moving to Taiwan, as well as for others leaving for school by the end of the month. Please grab your lunch and join us after service around 11am to bless them before they leave.
4. 36th Church Anniversary Joint Service
36th Church Anniversary Celebration Joint Service will be held on Sep 8 at 11am. Save the date for joint BBQ lunch program after Sunday Service. $10 per person, $5 for age 4-12. Free for newcomers who have started attending the church in the last 3 months. Please sign up for lunch on Aug 18 and Aug 25 with Dorinda Mui. Deadline for lunch registration: Aug 25.
5. 36th Church Anniversary Lunch Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers who have a heart to serve and help out with kitchen clean up after our church anniversary BBQ lunch on Sunday, Sept 8. If you would be willing to serve, please speak to Sharon and let her know. And thank you for always showing up and serving together with such a great attitude.
6. Small Group Registration
We have made some adjustments to our small groups. If you are interested in being part of a small group starting in September, please register with this Google form https://forms.gle/Me6NBZXgt9Bgy98P7.
7. TJCAC Fall Ball
There is an opportunity to play more softball with Fall Ball starting on Sept 9. Fall Ball is open to everyone 18-years-old and up. 1-2 games every weekend for 4 weekends. Possible game times are 2pm, 3:30pm or 5pm. $15 if you played in the regular season ($30 if you did not). Registration closes on Aug 29. Please contact Megan, Lianne or David K. to sign up.
8. Cambridge UK STM
Team Cambridge 2024 (Belinda Cheng, Christa Mo, Cynthia So (Team Lead), David Wong (Associate Team Lead), Emily Shiu, Pastor Ken Cheng, Lucy Ci, Peter So and Pia Liu), a total of 9 brothers and sisters, will be serving in Cambridge and Bishop from August 22 to September 3, running VBS, Street Café and other evangelistic events. The team really covets your prayer support as they prepare and equip for the trip. Please email Cynthia @ cynsojaffraychurch@gmail.com or click on the following link to sign up. We will be sending regular updates before and during the trip. Thanks for your prayer support.
9. Staff News
Pastor Gabriel Ng will be on vacation Aug 20-Sept 10. Please contact Mindy if you have any questions about YLM.
2024 WK33 Announcements
1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, announcements and devotions from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.
2. Thank you
Thank you to Rev. Victor Chin for preaching an encouraging word to our house today.
3. 36th Church Anniversary Joint Service
36th Church Anniversary Celebration Joint Service will be held on Sep 8 at 11am. Save the date for joint BBQ lunch program after Sunday Service. $10 per person, $5 for age 4-12. Free for newcomers who have started attending the church in the last 3 months. Please sign up for lunch on Aug 18 and Aug 25 with Dorinda Mui. Deadline for lunch registration: Aug 25.
4. 36th Church Anniversary Lunch Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers who have a heart to serve and help out with kitchen clean up after our church anniversary BBQ lunch on Sunday, Sept 8. If you would be willing to serve, please speak to Sharon and let her know. And thank you for always showing up and serving together with such a great attitude.
5. Small Group Registration
We have made some adjustments to our small groups. If you are interested in being part of a small group starting in September, please register with this Google form https://forms.gle/Me6NBZXgt9Bgy98P7.
6. Cambridge UK STM
Team Cambridge 2024 (Belinda Cheng, Christa Mo, Cynthia So (Team Lead), David Wong (Associate Team Lead), Emily Shiu, Pastor Ken Cheng, Lucy Ci, Peter So and Pia Liu), a total of 9 brothers and sisters, will be serving in Cambridge and Bishop from August 22 to September 3, running VBS, Street Café and other evangelistic events. The team really covets your prayer support as they prepare and equip for the trip. Please email Cynthia @ cynsojaffraychurch@gmail.com or click on the following link to sign up. We will be sending regular updates before and during the trip. Thanks for your prayer support.
7. Rose Li & Justin Keng Wedding
Congrats to Rose and Justin on their wedding and blessings as they start their new life together.
8. Staff News
Pastor Gabriel Ng will be on vacation Aug 20-Sept 10. Please contact Mindy if you have any questions about YLM.
2024 WK32 Announcements
1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, announcements and devotions from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.
2. Baptism & Membership
If you would like to be baptized or become a member of Jaffray, please let Pastor Ken know. Baptism and membership classes will take place on Sunday Aug 11 & 18 at 11am in the white house.
3. 36th Church Anniversary Joint Service
36th Church Anniversary Celebration Joint Service will be held on Sep 8 at 11am. Save the date for joint BBQ lunch program after Sunday Service. $10 per person, $5 for age 4-12. Free for newcomers who have started attending the church in the last 3 months. Please sign up for lunch on Aug 18 and Aug 25 with Dorinda Mui. Deadline for lunch registration: Aug 25.
4. Cambridge UK STM
Team Cambridge 2024 (Belinda Cheng, Christa Mo, Cynthia So (Team Lead), David Wong (Associate Team Lead), Emily Shiu, Pastor Ken Cheng, Lucy Ci, Peter So and Pia Liu), a total of 9 brothers and sisters, will be serving in Cambridge and Bishop from August 22 to September 3, running VBS, Street Café and other evangelistic events. The team really covets your prayer support as they prepare and equip for the trip. Please email Cynthia @ cynsojaffraychurch@gmail.com or click on the following link to sign up. We will be sending regular updates before and during the trip. Thanks for your prayer support.
5. Rose Li & Justin Keng Wedding
Rose Li and Justin Keng will be getting married on August 17, 2024, at 2pm here at TJCAC! Light refreshments to follow! Come celebrate with them as they begin their married life together! Check out their website here: https://withjoy.com/justin-and-rose
6. Offering
Offering amounts by account up to end of June have been posted on the East bulletin board for review. Please contact Deacon Andy Pak for any questions.