1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, announcements and devotions from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.

2. Prayer Meeting
There is no class today for Thanksgiving weekend. We hope everyone will enjoy this holiday with family, friends and loved ones.

3. Neighborhood Prayer Walk w/ Toronto Police
When: Thursday, October 24th @ 2pm
Where: starts at 42 Division (242 Milner Ave.)
Purpose: A prayer walk for people of all faiths with police commands and officers for peace and unity in the community

4. YLM – Birds and the Bees Workshop
When it comes to the topic of sex, we want children to trust their parents and to turn to them first. So we want to help equip you parents to be able to do that. What should you say? When should you say it? How should you say it?
YLM has purchased an online course so that we can learn together on how to protect and prepare our children for this topic.
Join us for the first of our two events on Saturday, October 19th for a Zoom meeting at 3-5pm. The next one will be in-person at church, November 16, at 3-5. Please contact Pastor Gabriel if you’re interested in joining.

5. Baptism & Membership Transfer
If you are interested in getting baptized or transferring your membership, please speak to Pastor Ken to set a time to take the classes in early November.

6. Missions Night
The Annual Missions Night will be held on Saturday, November 9 at 7:00pm for all congregations.
Theme: “The Great Commission- Seize it or Miss it?”
Speakers:             Rev. Henry Chuang, IW to Taiwan
Christa Mo – Cambridge STM Sharing
Dr. David Wong – Cambridge STM Christian Heritage Tour Presentation
Pastor Ken Cheng – Cambridge STM Summary
Please mark your calendars and join us in person on Nov. 9.

7. Family Life Canada – Weekend Getaway Marriage Conference
When: Friday-Sunday, February 28-March 2, 2025
Where: Queen’s Landing Hotel (155 Byron St, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0)
Cost: $299/couple (church subsidy available)
Website: https://events.familylifecanada.com/event/wg-niagara-on-the-lake
Contact: please let Deaconess Holly know if you are interested in attending