1. Jaffray English Email List
If you would like to receive information regarding worship, events, announcements and devotions from our church, please send a request to kennethkim@tjcac.org to join our email list.

2. Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting continues today at 11am in the white house. Please join us as we seek God together and pray for our church.

3. Monthly Lunch Fellowship
We are postponing our monthly lunch fellowship on Feb 2 for a special lunch together on Sunday Feb 23 at 12:30pm in the fellowship hall. No need to pack or buy your lunch that day, we will be providing pizza for everyone. More details to come.

4. 2024 Offering
Offering amounts made in 2024 have been posted by account number on the east entrance bulletin board. Please inform Andy or Margaret Pak in person or email cashier@tjcac.org for any known discrepancies by Feb 2. Donation receipts for these amounts will be issued electronically by Feb 23 for those with emails on file. Otherwise, donation receipts will be printed and available for distribution on Feb 23.

Additionally, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has issued an extension for 2024 charitable giving until Feb 28, 2025. For any brothers and sisters who would like to claim January -February 2025 donations with 2024 tax filings, please also speak with Andy or Margaret or email cashier@tjcac.org to arrange for a separate donation receipt.

5. Sunday School
Sunday School classes will begin on March 9 at 11am in the white house with a new study on the book of Ruth and learning how to read Hebrew narrative.

6. Family Life Canada – Weekend Getaway Marriage Conference
When: Friday-Sunday, February 28-March 2, 2025
Where: Queen’s Landing Hotel (155 Byron St, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0)
Cost: $299/couple (church subsidy available)
Website: https://events.familylifecanada.com/event/wg-niagara-on-the-lake
Contact: please let Deaconess Holly know if you are interested in attending

7. Church Office Hours
Starting Jan 1, 2025, TJCAC Office Hours will be Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturdays closed, Sundays 10am-12:30pm and can be reached at 416-282-2063 ext.100, except on statutory holidays. On Tuesdays, the Lead Pastor for the month will be the first point of contact for the Church Office at the same ext.100.

8. Young Life Ministry
The Young Life Ministry (YLM) is looking for volunteers who love and walk with Jesus in his Word and have a heart to see children and youth coming to know Jesus. YLM will provide the training if you would accept the call to serve and disciple those little ones Jesus calls to himself. Please speak with Pastor Gabe, or Deaconess Eliza or Mindy if you want to be part of what God will do through YLM.