Preschool & Kindergarten

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

~ Proverbs 22:6

Children Sunday School

Parents/caregivers are asked to bring their children to the English-speaking worship service in the sanctuary at 9 am. Children will be checked in by the greeter outside the sanctuary before entering. Children will then have the choice of sitting with their parents/caregivers or with their CSS teachers in the front.

Children are invited to join in on the singing and come forward to the stage for special teaching and prayer before being led by teachers to the KidZone for Children Sunday School classes. Alternatively, children can also choose to sit with their parents/caregivers for the remainder of the service.

Promiseland Children Worship (11-12:15 pm)

Children of all ages are invited to a time of worship in B7 (Promiseland Room) at 11 am. Worship session includes singing songs, reading scripture, watching dramas, praying, and collecting offerings. After worship, the children are led to their classrooms for age-appropriate lessons.

Children are invited for “Snacks & Books” time around 11:45 am. The children have the option of having a delicious nut-free snack, generously provided for by various families, or eat the nut-free snacks they brought. Children are also encouraged to pick a book from the Young Life Library to read. Each book read will be rewarded with a sticker on the Young Life Reading Wall, which can be collected for prizes.

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