Speaker: Rev. Arthur Wong Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1-15 Description: After David committed adultery with Bathsheba and murdered her husband Uriah in hopes to cover up his sins, Yahweh confronts David through the prophet Nathan. Using a pastoral story to appeal to David’s...
Speaker: Pastor Andrew Chan Passage: Psalm 40:1-3 Description: This sermon will focus on what it means to be “patient” with God and to wait for His presence and His strength, especially bringing you out of a difficult time. Although this Psalm was written...
Speaker: Andy Tse Passage: 2 Samuel 11:1-6, 14-15, 26-27 Description: David’s sin with Bathsheba is a well known story. We examine three aspects of how sin worked in this narrative: (1) idleness, (2) temptation, and (3) cover up. With the power of the Spirit,...
Speaker: Pastor Will Lee Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:9 Description: Sufficiency is always enough.We have a desire and a need for sufficiency. God’s grace is sufficient for us. Paul was given a vision from God and suffering– both are gifts from God. Suffering...
Speaker: Rev. Arthur Wong Passage: 1 Chronicles 22:2-19 Description: You will learn empowerment when you learn to relinquish control. Relinquishing control is to engage, not just not caring. We must walk to yield to God’s...