Speaker: Pastor Gabriel Ng Scripture: 2 Samuel 14:1-13, 21-24 Description: Signs you may be spoiling your child: 1. You give in to your child’s every request. 2. You are inconsistent with expectations and consequences 3. You allow your child to disrespect you....
Speaker: Andy Tse Scripture: 2 Samuel 13:23-29 Description: Anger comes naturally; but if your anger is left undealt with, hatred and unforgiveness come in and robs you of the joy of Christ. Reconciliation is an act of worship. Sin of omission is the sin of...
Speaker: Andy Tse Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-17 Description: God promises an everlasting kingdom for David. He keeps his covenant with David in establishing his everlasting kingdom. His promise of the everlasting kingdom is ultimately fulfilled by the Davidic...
Speaker: Barry Slauenwhite Scripture: Matthew 6:28-34 Description: We spend too much money on giving things (idols) to the poor rather than giving the gift of God (gospel). The world God created in the beginning of the Bible was perfect but the curse is the...
Speaker: Pastor Gabriel Ng Scripture: 2 Samuel 1:1-16 Description: David rests in the sovereignty of God. He showed grace to Saul who continued to hate him. Recognize circumstances under the sovereign God to transform our scope of the people who love or hate...